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Customer Testimonials

We would like to introduce the voices of customers who are actually using the ANZAI sorter.



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I want you to taste safe, safe and delicious domestic rice ~ LAZ / LCT / LEO ~

Narita Plant Manager and LCT-550
Narita Plant Manager and LCT-550

We would like to introduce the voice of Shikataichi Shoten Co., Ltd., which collects high-quality rice and beans in the mountainous areas of northern Okayama Prefecture.


Shikataichi Shoten is a collection and sales company that has been making efforts to promote agriculture in the region for many years.This time, we have built a new factory that can optimally polish rice with the germ survival rate using our unique technology.

The eye-catching germ rice has more dietary fiber and vitamins than ordinary rice, which may lead to health, so it will be sold to hotels and health food routes in the prefecture, Keihanshin, Kanto, etc.


Therefore, a high-performance color foreign matter sorter is indispensable for selling high-quality rice.

As a finishing touch to the rice milling line, at Shikataichi ShotenLAZ-1605D,LCT-550 Of2.

LAZ-1605DThen, surely remove the stink bug black spot rice and foreign matter, and furtherLCT-550We support the production of various products and produce safer and more secure rice.



We interviewed the Narita Plant Manager. 

"It is an indispensable machine for making good products with confidence.

Compared to older machines, the sorting performance is significantly improved, and even small black spot rice and raw materials with a large amount of shirata can be used freely. By using the new sorter, we are able to make better products with more confidence than before.

In addition, the time to process 2t of rice is small enough to be possible to finish it carefully by installing a machine with plenty of room.

'We want you to taste safe, secure and delicious domestic rice.' This is our slogan, and we will continue to make good use of color sorters.


In addition, like the sorter at the rice mill, our bean factory also has our Leo sorter (model).LEO-300D3) Is active. 


Unlike rice, we handle a wide variety of varieties such as Dharmasasage, red beans, and soybeans when collecting and selling beans.

Leo sorter is said to play a major role in the selection of a wide variety of beans.


We also asked Managing Director Ashida about his impressions of Leo Sorter.


"We believe that this is a very important machine for making safe and secure products that are close to consumers.

I used to use a fluorescent lamp machine, but it took a lot of time to switch varieties. Also, in this region where the temperature changes drastically, the previous machines were inconvenient because they had to adjust the machines. In particular, warm-up operation and stability of sorting were major issues.

By installing LED in the Leo sorter, I think that not only the problems so far have been cleared, but also the sorting performance has been greatly improved.

While feeling the progress of technology, I expect Anzai Seisakusho to make further improvements."


The idea of ​​Shikataichi Shoten is that it will continue to manufacture and sell products rooted in local agriculture and will continue to contribute to the promotion of agriculture.Through this interview, we at Anzai Seisakusho have renewed our mission to contribute to the world in the category of "selection".


Lastly, I would like to thank Shikataichi Shoten for their kind cooperation in the interview while they were busy.

Voices of surprise for improving yield -LED hyper sorter, LED mighty sorter-

JA Zen-Noh Tochigi Pearl Rice Department
Full view of the factory
This time, we will use multiple of the latest rice color / foreign matter sorters that Anzai Seisakusho Co., Ltd. is proud of. OfJAZen-Noh Tochigi Pearl Rice Club (Hagadai, Haga-cho, Haga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture)198-2,We would like to introduce the voices of (inside the Haga Industrial Park).
Agricultural land in Tochigi prefectureThree thousandha,8A little less than paddy fields.Agricultural output2,700Billion yenAbout rice, vegetables, fruits, etc.7Livestock is about3It has a split structure.FertilizerAgriculture that takes advantage of the blessed environment, such as the fertile land, abundant sunshine, and the location of the Greater Tokyo AreaKarma is practiced.The factory is responsible for shipping milled rice from within and outside the prefecture.
LED Hyper LHT-1100 and Mr. Ogawa
At this site, the key to the main rice milling line equipment (processing capacity 6t / h) is the color / foreign matter sorter immediately after polishing.However, the models that have been in use for a long time have been in use for more than 10 years, and have become extremely old. "We have to always deliver safe and secure rice to consumers, but it is dangerous as it is. In addition, maintenance costs such as repairs and consumable parts are troublesome," said the assistant factory manager. Mr. Hiroaki Suzuki looks back on the time when he decided to update.

However, Mr. Suzuki, who thought, "Even if a new sorter is introduced, it is difficult to supply better products with machines that have poor performance and operability and high running costs," said Suzuki, a major domestic sorter manufacturer. Witnessed and requested a performance test.As a result, Anzai's "LED Hyper LHT-1100 (equipped with a near-infrared camera for foreign objects)" was the best in all conditions.
"Since all the light sources are LEDs, it starts up quickly and operates stably. The energy-saving design also reduces costs. I was also surprised by the high processing performance of the U-groove chute, which focuses on accuracy." ,Suzuki.There is no end to the story. "It's an all-in-one body, so it's easy to operate and maintain. Above all, the EJ (air gun) self-diagnosis function before starting work is really helpful." .
LED Hyper LHT-270 and Mr. Nami
After that, at Pearl Rice, sticky rice 1.5 t/h LHT-270 of the same series on the line,In addition, another series of Mighty Sorter LAZ-1605T is on the sake rice line.Will be introduced one after another.
Finally, I visited the office to say hello and received a word from Makoto Handa, the chief of the Pearl Rice Manufacturing Division. "It is true that the product became stable after the introduction of Hyper, but what surprised me even more was that the yield improved significantly. Looking at the discharge of defective products, there was almost no good rice. Such a good machine If you introduce more to the production area, the raw materials we purchase will be stable."
that's all,JAWe would like to thank all the members of the Zen-Noh Tochigi Pearl Rice Department for their cooperation during their busy schedule.

LED Mighty LAZ-1605T and Mr. Kimura

Further quality improvement with LED-equipped machines-LHT / LAZ / RGB-

"Fukurinko" from Southern Hokkaido
"Fukurinko" from Southern Hokkaido

We would like to introduce the voice of Private City Brothers Store Co., Ltd. located in Hokuto City, Hokkaido.


Private City Brothers Store Co., Ltd. is located in Hokuto City, where the night view of Mt. Hakodate seen from Mt.1956Since its establishment in 31, it has been developing a business related to Japanese "staple food".


In cooperation with producers, we promote safe and secure rice production such as "Dosan Fukurinko", and it is our duty not to allow any compromise in the safety, security and stable taste of our products, and it is a noble mission even if we get tired of it. I'm thinking.

In front of LAZ-1205T, Kisaichi branch manager (right) and Kashiwazaki (left)

A system has been put in place to install 2 or more color sorters indispensable for providing such safety and security in each process, and among them, the quality required by customers is increasing year by year, so high-performance color sorters are being introduced. In 1 line we use 3 units and hang the product 3 times to make products even safer and more secure.


As the final finishLAZ-1605TThen you can remove everything in the tiny glass removal test, LHT-270 We are very satisfied with the high sorting stability and the ability to accurately remove even minute black spot rice.


When the Sapporo branch opened in the fall of 2016, a foreign body color sorter that uses LED lighting LAZ-1205T and color system RGB-1205 has been introduced to maintain stable product quality.

We received a compliment from the operator of the Sapporo branch, Mr. Kashiwazaki, saying, "A machine that is easy to operate, has stable quality, has little waste, and can be used with peace of mind."


We would like to thank all the employees of the Ichi Brothers Store for their cooperation during their busy schedule.

Rice shop loved by the community-Trinity series-

Iwasaki Rice Grain Co., Ltd.
Iwasaki Rice Grain Co., Ltd.

Introducing this time, Anzai Seisakusho's new sorter "Trinity series RGB-805"You are using it,


"Iwasaki Rice Grain" in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, commonly known as "Iwabe".


The staple food of Japanese people is "rice", but the taste and price of rice vary greatly depending on the weather and the amount of harvest each year.


"Iwabe" carefully selects and delivers the most seasonal rice, that is, delicious and reasonable rice, regardless of the brand.


This is the reason why the rice "Iwabe" continues to be loved by the Tokai region.

Kikuchi Manager
Kikuchi Manager

It seems that they pay particular attention to daily quality control so that they can deliver safe and secure rice in a stable manner.


The new color sorter "Trinity series RGB-805"is.We sort out damaged grains such as colored rice and Shirata rice so that you can enjoy them more deliciously.


From the manager, Mr. Kikuchi

"Since the introduction of the Trinity series RGB, it has become possible to deliver delicious rice to customers with peace of mind," I received a compliment.


Thank you for responding to this interview.

Trump card for quality improvement-Hyper Leo Sorter-

Hokuriku Recycling Center Co., Ltd.
Hokuriku Recycling Center Co., Ltd.

Anzai Seisakusho's proud shoot-type full-color digital sorter "LEO-805DC +] Is being used,

We would like to introduce the voice of Hokuriku Recycling Center Co., Ltd. (428 Mizushimamachi, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture).


Hokuriku Recycling Center Co., Ltd. was established in June XNUMX as a partner company of Hokuriku Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd., and has been developing its business mainly in the manufacture of raw materials for recycling PET bottles.


This time, we have introduced the Hyper Leo Sorter as a trump card for improving the quality level, which is strictly required year by year.


The Hyper Leo Sorter introduced this time is the first in the pet flake industry to have a full-color type + full-spec specifications with a near-infrared camera.

LEO-805DC +
LEO-805DC +


After introducing the sorting machine, we interviewed the president of Hori Representative Director.

As a factor of introducing the sorter,

 ① Since bidding is becoming stricter year by year, we are differentiating ourselves from our peers.

 ② Measures for quality improvement that are strictly required by customers

 ③ Means to survive in this industry

And so on.


We received a comment from a customer that the situation has been very well received and that "the results are as expected."


Also, from Mr. Kondo, the director and factory manager who manages the site,

 ① Work efficiency is improved because a certain amount can be handled regardless of the quality and mixing rate of raw materials.

 ② No machine trouble, so no hassle

 ③ We can supply high quality and stable products to our customers.

We received words such as.


Finally, we would like to thank Hokuriku Recycling Center Co., Ltd. for their cooperation during our busy interview.

Commitment to buckwheat flour from Hokkaido ~ LG-05T ~

Factory appearance
This time, we would like to introduce the voice of Shintoku Soba Honpo Shintoku Bussan Co., Ltd. in Shintoku Town, Hokkaido.
Shintoku Town is located at the foot of the vast Hidaka Mountains in the northern part of the Tokachi region of Hokkaido.The climate is mild and the temperature difference between day and night is large, making it a very suitable area for agricultural production.In particular, we are focusing on the production of buckwheat noodles, and it is also popular as a special product of Shintoku Town.
For more than 40 years since Showa 49, Shintoku Bussan has been making soba noodles under a consistent production system that focuses on Hokkaido flour.
Affiliated company Shintoku Bussan Sahoro Farm manages and cultivates a vast buckwheat field of over 80 ha.
Beautiful buckwheat flowers bloom all over in the summer, making it a tourist attraction as a buckwheat road.
After harvesting, the cultivated buckwheat is milled in-house, and after noodles and drying, it is completed as a product.
Shintoku Bussan has always been particular about production by sincerity and manpower, but with the times, we have been looking for a machine that can improve the quality of our products instead of manpower.
Mr. Abe in charge of the color sorter
In particular, the post-threshing process, which is directly linked to the quality of buckwheat and its appearance, is an important part that is indispensable to the human eye.
A machine that made it possible to perform the important process instead of visual inspectionShoot type color / foreign matter sorterLG-05T.
Instantly identify and remove buckwheat with a color different from that of buckwheat.
 "There was such an amazing machine," said President Shimizu, who was very surprised at the accuracy.
Productivity and efficiency are greatly improved by mechanizing the process that was previously visually removed.To further improve quality, it is now an indispensable unit in the manufacturing process.
We received the words that the machine is necessary because it is an era when quality is more severe due to foreign matter contamination.
In the previous year, we received the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award, which is the highest in the national soba excellent production award, but the afterglow of the award was moderate, and the eyes of President Shimizu and Managing Director Goda were looking further ahead.
We would like to thank all the employees for their cooperation during their busy schedule.

"ANZAI Repeater" added the latest foreign matter sorter for rice ~ LRC-1100 ~

LRC-1100 installed in the final process of the latest line with Mr. Harumi, assistant factory manager

Continuing from the previous publication, we would like to introduce the voice of JA Zenno Tochigi Pearl Rice Department (198-2 Hagadai, Haga-cho, Haga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture).

In 2011 JA Zen-Noh Tochigi Pearl Rice Department introduced the LED Hyper Sorter LHT-1100 to its main rice milling line, and 2 years later, the LED Mighty Sorter LAZ-1605T to the sake rice line and the LHT-270 to the glutinous rice line. Are being added one after another, and all three models manufactured by Anzai Seisakusho Co., Ltd. are currently operating at full speed.


Finally, in the fall of 2016, with the new installation of rice milling equipment for major customers, Anzai is proud of the latest foreign matter sorter "LED" to the final process.Rescue sorter LRC-1100 (Maximum processing capacity 11t / h) ”has been introduced.


We asked Mr. Suzuki of the Pearl Rice Manufacturing Division how he came to adopt the same model.

"I have used Anzai's sorter so far, and I have a great deal of confidence in its stable performance, and I have heard the high evaluation of rescue sorters from each business partner, so I decided."


In addition, Mr. Narimi, an assistant factory manager who is also an operator, said, "The sorting machine in Anzai is easier to operate than other manufacturers and can flexibly respond to subtle changes in the quality of rice, which is very helpful to the site. I'm doing it, "he said with a big smile.


That's all, we would like to thank all the members of the JA Zen-Noh Tochigi Pearl Rice Department for their cooperation during the busy New Year holidays.

Quality first with LED-equipped machines-LED rescue sorter-

Abe Seimugi Co., Ltd.
Shirane factory appearance

This time Anzai is proudLED Rescue sorter You are using,

Abe Seimugi Co., Ltd. (Ibarasone, Minami-ku, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture3701) 



On Meiji 45 May 1, Abe Seimugi was founded. It is a long-established store that has lasted 105 years.


Manufacture and sale of milled barley and barley flour/contract processing of crushed milled rice/consignment sorting of rice and ship products nationwide.

Factory LHT-1800

The main rice milling line at this site has processing capacity 15 t/h Anzai Seisakusho Co., Ltd.'s color and foreign matter sorter is indispensable for owning and continuing to supply high-quality products.


Latest glass compatible color sorter LHT-1800 x2machines, new foreign matter removal dedicated machine in the final process LED Rescue sorter has been newly established and is always operating in the best condition.


The rescue sorter can remove all foreign substances that are difficult to remove even with a glass-compatible color sorter, and is judged to contribute to quality improvement, making it the largest model. LRC-1800 was introduced. 


"The first thing we think about is product quality."


Due to the nature of Niigata, the factory is used at extremely low temperatures in winter, but allLED Because it is an on-board machine, it starts up quickly and the light source is stable all day, which was highly evaluated by the factory manager Kondo.


"When I was using a fluorescent lamp sorter, it was difficult to stabilize the sorting all day and it required a skilled worker," he recalls.


Kondo Factory Manager
Factory manager Kondo (in front of LED rescue sorter)

It seems that there are many requests for consignment sorting because we have a line that can ship products from which all foreign substances have been removed through a color sorter / foreign matter removal machine.


Abe Seimugi's factory is organized and tidy no matter when you visit, and you can feel a strong desire to improve quality.


Lastly, we would like to thank everyone at Abe Seimugi Co., Ltd. for their cooperation during the busy schedule.


For customers who can see beyond wheat and rice ~ Rescue sorter ~

Headquarters factory in Yoshihara Town
Headquarters factory in Yoshihara Town
This time, Anzai Seisakusho Co., Ltd. is proudForeign matter sorter rescue sorterTakahata Seimugi Co., Ltd. (Yoshiwara-cho, Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture 2392-1) Will be introduced.
Takahata Seimugi was founded in Meiji 21 and in Showa 52 the company name was changed to Takahata Seimugi. Headquartered in Yoshiwara-cho, Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture, they manufacture and sell pressed barley for barley rice and barley for processing shochu and miso.
Our mission is to respond to the demands of quality levels year by year and to deliver beyond that, and we manufacture products with thorough hygiene management and state-of-the-art equipment so that we can meet the needs of the times. Is shipping.
Rescue sorter
Last line rescue sorter

Many in the factory to maintain high quality use the ANZAI sorting machine, but the "rescue sorter" is the last bastion of finishing sorting.

The rescue sorter is a foreign matter sorter for white rice equipped with a special camera that reacts only to foreign matter. It is a machine that checks and removes foreign matter that cannot be removed even with a glass sorter, and bran and insects mixed in the line just before bagging.


Developed a camera for barley in response to a request that barley could be used because of the sympathy for the rescue sorter concept. After several tests, it was determined that we could ship higher quality wheat than ever before, and it was the largest channel. 240 ch was introduced.

To date, it has greatly contributed to maintaining product quality.

Ikeda Factory Manager
Ikeda Factory Manager
"I used to be troubled by other seeds called wild radish (Hama radish), which is peculiar to foreign barley, but I introduced a rescue sorter and solved it easily. After the introduction, we hold a seminar on color sorters once a year and cooperate with our quality as much as possible. "Said Ikeda Factory Manager.
“Whenever I meet, I am impressed with the enthusiasm of the employees for the sorting machine. The factory is also very neat and tidy, and it conveys a sincere attitude toward manufacturing. There are many sorting machine manufacturers, but from now on Thank you for your continued support. " Thank you very much for your kind words.
Ueyoshida rice mill
Ueyoshida rice mill
In addition, Takahata Seimugi is engaged in the rice milling business for miso and rice confectionery at the Kamiyoshida factory in Zentsuji city.
It is difficult to keep the quality of rice for processing constant due to various standards, but we ship high quality rice with thorough management and abundant equipment like milled wheat.

Takahata Seimugi will continue to ship safe products for customers who can see beyond wheat and rice.


Finally, thank you to Mr. Takahata Seimugi Co., Ltd. for your cooperation in the interview.

Further safety, security and stability-Au, BMR, BLC, etc.-

This time, Sarabetsu Village Agricultural Cooperative, which uses the latest wheat upgrade sorter, magnet stoner, belt type foreign matter color sorter, etc. that Anzai Seisakusho Co., Ltd. is proud of. (Noriaki Wakazono, union leader) (Sarabetsu South, Sarabetsu Village, Kasai District, Hokkaido 2-92) I would like to introduce your voice.
Agricultural land in Sarabetsu Village, Hokkaido10,750 ha the breakdown is as follows.
·wheat 2,055 ha (19%)
·beans 2,130 ha (20%)
·Potato 1,865 ha (17%)
·Sugar beet 1,676 ha (16%)
·Forage crops 2,552 (24%)
·Others 472 ha (4%)
Upgrade sorter
Among them, wheat and beans, which are the main crops, are positioned as important basic crops in the crop rotation system along with potatoes and sugar beets.
About wheat2,000 ha the planted area exceeds the above, and it meets the "quality evaluation standard value" that meets the needs of actual consumers. Therefore, in order to further improve the quality at the production site, Heisei21In the yearWheat Upgrade SorterAu-2000 The2 machines were installed.
Magnetic force sorter BMR
Magnetic force sorter
In addition, we have set our own standards for wheat acceptance inspection, and we are aiming for quick and stable inspection by using the grain quality judgment machine GI-256 (planning).
On the other hand, beans are grouped into three types: red beans, Kintoki, and major dead species. In particular, Kintoki has a planted area of ​​approximately 800 ha, and has the largest planted area and production volume in Japan.
Heisei21In the year, in a bean preparation facilityMagnet stonerBMR-700,BMR-1000,andBelt type foreign matter color sorterBLC-600D5Each3Including the groupANZAIBy introducing a sorting machine and completing a low-temperature storage facility, we have improved quality and product yield, and have greatly responded to the trust of consumers and actual consumers.
Color sorter with foreign matter removal function
Finally, we would like to thank all the Sarabetsu Village Agricultural Cooperatives for their cooperation during their busy schedule.

From Yoichi Town to the whole country-Magnet Stoner-

Magnetic force sorter BMR-100
We would like to introduce the voice of Saburo Hiratsuka, who runs a grain dealer in Yoichi, Hokkaido.
Yoichi Town has one of the warmest climates in Hokkaido and has been a region where agriculture and fisheries have been active for a long time.
Fruit cultivation is also popular, and it is also known as an apple and grape producing area, and until recently it became the stage of a drama that gained national popularity.
Surrounded by abundant greenery and the sea, Yoichi Town, where Saburo Hiratsuka Shoten has been shipping rice, beans, soba, etc. to the inside and outside of Hokkaido since its establishment in Showa 33, for almost 60 years.
Many machines made by ANZAI are active in the factory, but one that says that Mr. Hiratsuka must be there is "Magnetic force sorter BMR".
Managing Director Hiratsuka (in front of the office)

We collect azuki beans harvested in rural areas and commercialize the whole amount by machines in the factory.

In addition, for buckwheat noodles, which are considered difficult to select, foreign substances such as stones and iron mixed in during cutting have been dealt with.


We decided to introduce BMR based on our belief that we would like to maintain higher quality and provide our customers with peace of mind and safety.

At first, there were some doubts, such as the removal of stones by magnetic force, but the effect was immediately demonstrated after the introduction. 


Pumice stones can be removed by actually pouring the raw materials! BMR has made it possible to remove pumice stones, which is considered difficult in specific gravity selection.

Due to his success, the color sorter in the subsequent process made me say, "The stones are almost gone." Nowadays, 3 BMR-100s are in active use, and we have earned tremendous trust that we can have any number of them.


Thank you very much, Mr. Saburo Hiratsuka, for your busy schedule.

Bring your favorite Chirimenjako to your table ~ Real Sorter ~

At the Chirimenjako production line
This time, Anzai Seisakusho Co., Ltd. is proud Belt type color sorter (real sorter) We would like to introduce the voice of Kaneki Fisheries Co., Ltd. (5-164-1, Edayoshi, Nishi-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) who is using.
The history of Kaneki Fisheries Co., Ltd. started as Kishimoto Refrigeration Co., Ltd. in Showa 36, and in Heisei 1, the Kishimoto Refrigeration Fisheries Processing Department became an independent corporation and continues to the present.
It is characterized by its location, frozen and refrigerated foods made from Akashi and Setouchi octopus, processed sand lance products, processed chirimenjako products, and general fish products.
As for sales destinations, we have many business partners such as major fish processing manufacturers and consumer co-ops.
President Kishimoto Representative Director
President Kishimoto Representative Director
The Chirimenjako line that introduced the color sorter this time is 1.5t / h / unit by raw processing (cooking in a kettle) → After that, about 600kg of Chirimenjako is produced by processing in a dryer, and the head office In the drying area installed on the roof of the factory, sun-drying work is performed, and finally the final sorting is performed with a color sorter (Real Sorter LEO-600MS) to remove foreign substances other than chirimenjako. You are using it. (It is said that it will produce 2-3 tons a day during the busy season.)

 Two years ago, in the Chirimenjako industry, the problem of puffer fish fry contamination was highlighted, but by introducing a color sorter early, it was possible to deal with it without reducing production.
President Kishimoto, who is always busy giving factory tours and advice to those in the same industry who are considering introducing color selection in the future.
Among the advice, "Anzai Seisakusho is not the only manufacturer of sorting machines! "It is better to look at other things and consider them." In the words, "Anzai Seisakusho Manufacture and sell better sorters in the future. It sounds like a hot message is included.
Finally, we would like to thank Kaneki Fisheries Co., Ltd. for their cooperation in the interview.

To ship high quality vegetable seeds ~ LEO sorter ~

Mikado Kyowa Co., Ltd.
Main office
This time Anzai is proud Belt type full color sorter LEO Sorter You are using,

Mikado Kyowa Co., Ltd. (1-4-11 Onodai, Midori-ku, Chiba)
Mikado Kyowa was founded in Heisei19, January 1st. The former Mikado Breeding Farm and the former Kyowa Seedling Co., Ltd. merged to strengthen the ability to develop and supply seeds, and we ship products nationwide through agricultural cooperatives and seedling companies.
Our main business is "breeding and harvesting vegetable seeds", and we are also a member of the Lima Grand Group, which is based on the French Agricultural Cooperative Organization. 
LEO sorter
LEO sorter in the factory
The factory is equipped with a number of state-of-the-art machines to ship high quality seeds, but it is indispensable among them. 1 machine is a full-color color sorter LEO It is a sorter.

After the seeds have passed the grain shape sorting / wind sorting process LEO It is shipped after color selection with a sorter. It is very important to remove discolored seeds because the germination rate is poor. It can identify more than 16.7 million colors LEO Sorters are active in sorting many seeds, including radishes, cabbage, and tomatoes.

We talked to Mr. Kooka, who is actually adjusting the LEO sorter.
Mr. Kooka
Mr. Kooka from the Logistics Processing Department
"I was in charge of quality control before, but with regard to seed quality evaluation, improving the quality of seeds, which has technical problems but has a problem with quality, has become an issue. Since the machine at that time was a monochrome camera sorter, it could only be used for some varieties of daikon, cabbage, and onion, and sorting could only remove easy-to-understand foreign substances such as grass seeds and things that were discolored overall. When selecting a new model, we considered domestic and overseas models and introduced LEO, but LEO can be used for various varieties from small to large grains, and it is helpful because sorting can also remove spikes, peeling, and fine discoloration. As a result, we were able to improve the quality. I attached a NIR camera as an option, but there was a foreign substance of the same color as the seed that can only be taken in near red, so it was correct. " 
Also, regarding adjustment and maintenance
"It's easy to adjust because you don't need to replace the fluorescent lamp and you can set the RGB sensitivity on the touch panel at the same time while looking at the image. I am grateful that it is easy to do. '
He smiled and said that the selection efficiency has improved dramatically in terms of both sorting and maintenance.
Finally, thank you to Mikado Kyowa Co., Ltd. for your cooperation in the interview.

I want to deliver safety, security, and deliciousness ~ Leo Sorter ~

We would like to introduce the voice of JA Memuro Foods in Memuro-cho, Hokkaido.
Memuro Town is located in the central part of the Tokachi region of Hokkaido, and is one of the leading upland farming areas in Japan with an area of ​​about 20,000 ha of cultivated land.
JA Memuro (Isamu Tsuji) is the general agricultural cooperative that organizes 626 farmers in this area.
   Frozen food Tokachi Memuro Edamame
From the former "Memuro of beans", today the crop rotation system that balances wheat, potatoes, beets, and beans is maintained, and the gross agricultural production value exceeds 25 billion yen.
In recent years, the production of vegetables such as green soybeans, sweet corn, dioscorea opposita, green beans, and burdock has flourished, accounting for about 10% of the total production, and it seems that the field is expected to grow in the future. 
In Heisei 5, an agricultural product processing facility was constructed as a facility responsible for aggressive agriculture, and the food processing business was started.
The operation is carried out by the wholly owned subsidiary "JA Memuro Foods", which adds value to the agricultural products of Memuro Town and delivers safe, secure and delicious processed foods where the producer's face can be seen.
Frozen food Tokachi Memuro green beans
   Frozen food Tokachi Memuro green beans
JA Memuro Foods manufactures frozen foods using raw materials of about 3700t / year for both vegetables and potato processing, and the main product is French fries using Matilda, a limited variety of Tokachi Memuro, and co-op handling. There are many domestic frozen vegetables such as edible beans, green beans, and broccoli.
In recent years, consumers' demands for safety and security of products have become stronger, and in order to respond promptly, we have been performing sorting and inspection work using a lot of manpower, but we are suffering from labor shortage and quality maintenance. Was there.
Therefore, the color sorter attracted attention.
As a result of a survey of the food industry, the number of imported machines is overwhelmingly large, and the reason why the introduction of domestic machines is delayed is that even if the accuracy is excellent, the durability and sanitary properties centered on moisture and dust resistance have not been cleared. did.
At the beginning of the plan to introduce it, it seems that overseas manufacturers were being considered, but when I talked to the factory that uses the imported machine, although a certain amount of personnel reduction and efficiency improvement were planned, the detailed setting of the sorting grade was made. He said that he could not start the introduction because he heard that he could not do it, the number of days to respond during maintenance, and the inability to communicate.
When we turned our attention to domestic manufacturers, Anzai Seisakusho was proud of it.Belt type full color digital sorter LEO sorterCaught the eye.As a domestic manufacturer, we received a lot of attention for its cleanability and sanitary properties that can maintain sorting accuracy for food factories, which we have not yet worked on.
LEO-600D4 carrier
Since there are still few achievements for freezing processing and there was concern, we conducted verification tests many times.As a result, we decided to introduce the LEO-600D4, which has the capabilities that our customers demand.
Even after the introduction, we have been working together to improve the accuracy and efficiency by consulting the data setting for each item and matching with the front and back lines, and he said, "I'm glad that Mr. Anzai (LEO) decided on the detailed response after the introduction." I have received.
In addition, the number of personnel required for sorting and the burden of visual inspection are greatly reduced. "There are some items that increase productivity by 1.5 to 2 times. Above all, stable quality and shortened lead time are achieved, and a relationship of trust with business partners is established. We are able to build it. "
I was grateful to Mr. Sadahiro Haratani, the factory manager, for expecting it as a tool for expanding the development of the processing business in the future, and I felt that I would be tightened again.
Thank you very much for your time in your busy schedule.
JA Memuro Foods HP Address:

Mimata sesame seeds nationwide-Real Sorter-

Mr. and Mrs. Shimoishi of "Shimo Farm"

This time, from Mimata Town, Miyazaki PrefectureReal sorterWe would like to introduce the voice of Mr. Masaaki Shimoishi, the representative of "Shimo Farm" who produces the sesame seeds and delivers them nationwide.

In recent years, when foreign substances have been mixed in, the standards for Japanese food have become more and more stringent.

In particular, agricultural products produced from the blessings of nature require stricter inspection.

Good products (left) and defective products (right) after sorting

"I want to deliver healthy, delicious, safe and secure sesame seeds to your table !!"

There was a one-sided feeling of Representative Shimoishi.

However, it is not very easy for humans to visually inspect sesame seeds, which are smaller than rice grains, one by one, and it may take a day to sort them.After introducing the color sorter, Mr. Shimoishi thanked Mr. Shimoishi, saying, "I can now spend the long time I was working on sorting work on other work, and I can now produce more stably." We are doing it.


Thank you for your cooperation, Shimo Farm.


Commitment to quality that overturns common sense in the industry-Belt type color sorter (BLD)-

Masakazu Clean Co., Ltd.
Office (front) and factory (back)

Anzai Seisakusho's multi-purpose optical systemMasakazu Clean Co., Ltd. (Chojabara, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture) using a sorting machine1-220-7) Will be introduced.


The history of Masakazu Clean Co., Ltd. started from the general waste treatment business.1981Go back to the year.2005Years4In May, Onomichi will utilize the technology and corporate foundation cultivated up to that point.PETStarted operation of bottle recycling factory.

Used from the island of Onomichi in Setouchi, which is not connected by a bridgePETI'm collecting bottles.Of such an islandPETThe bottles are clean, but the ones that are collected from other places are still conspicuous, with dirt and foreign matter mixed in, and those with labels left.

Many of the machine lines in the factory are original, and we make use of our unique ideas and cultivated know-how to make improvements through trial and error to produce high-quality products that meet the needs of our customers.Among these machinery and equipment, the one that has received particular attention from the industry is"Belt Type Color SorterBLD-1200S5( 2 t/h specification)".

The original reason for the introduction started with a letter of invitation from Anzai.


   BLD series appearance (600 type in the photo)
Labeled with a color sorter than beforePETWith the desire to remove flakes, we have tested various sorting machine manufacturers, but we have not been able to obtain satisfactory results.Representative Director Murakami believed in his intuition, "Is this an opportunity?"And the moment when the sorting that I had been struggling with so far succeeded so easily,!Buy!!I decided to introduce the equipment by a prompt decision.
In this way2011Years12month,PETAs a pioneer in the flake industry, he started operating a color sorter.
PET flake sorting sample
Good PET flakes (left) and defective PET flakes (right)

"Quality is the most important thing we think about. Cost should be considered afterwards. Otherwise, we cannot win the trust and peace of mind of our customers. With this color sorter, high quality The amount of our flakes finished in this product is increasing year by year, and they are processed into textile products, sheet products, and container pack products, "says Murakami.

The quality of the flakes delivered by other companies in the same industry is poor, and the manufacturer of the delivery destination often asks for color selection. “We will continue to take on challenges with innovative ideas, action, and eco-power following the introduction of color sorters,” says Kimura, general manager of the PET Recycling Division. I felt the enthusiasm of all employees to work together to create high-quality products.

Next year, he is preparing for the automation of PET bottle sorting, which is struggling with multiple manpower at the beginning of the line.


Lastly, I would like to thank all the staff of Masakazu Clean Co., Ltd. for their cooperation in the interview, despite their busy schedules.