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SDGs Initiatives

SDGs Declaration

“We, the Anzai Seisakusho Group, connect [SDGs] to the development and manufacture of sorting machines,Safety, Security, Excitement, AbundanceProvideResolving social issues and achieving economic development at the same timecontinue to pursue 』

Initiatives for SDGs

Develop products that contribute to environmental conservation and reduce environmental impact, and provide products and servicesBy doing so, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable global environment.
We are working on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) from the region through collaboration with many cooperating companies and other companies.

What are SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)?

SDGs are "Sustainable Development Goals", which are international goals adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015/9 and are applied up to 2030.
Under the vow of "leave no one behind," the action plans for humans, the planet and prosperity include "poverty," "health and welfare," "education," "motivation," and "climate." It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets.
The SDGs are universal, not only in developing countries but also in developed countries themselves, and are being actively pursued in Japan.

17 goals of SDGs

17 Sustainable Development Goals "SDGs"
  1. Let's get rid of poverty
  2. Zero hunger
  3. Health and welfare for all
  4. High quality education for everyone
  5. Achieve gender equality
  6. Safe water and toilets around the world
  7. Energy for everyone and clean
  8. Both job satisfaction and economic growth
  9. Let's lay the foundation for industry and technological innovation
  1. Eliminate inequality between people and countries
  2. Town development that allows you to continue living
  3. Responsibility to create Responsibility to use
  4. Take concrete measures against climate change
  5. Let's protect the richness of the sea
  6. Let's protect the richness of the land
  7. Peace and justice for all
  8. Achieve your goals in partnership

Specific efforts

1. Promotion of energy saving
  • Solar power generation system from November 2014We have introduced it.[General Affairs Department] 
  • Lighting equipment is LED in all buildings.[General Affairs Department] 
  • We immediately respond to power demand management alerts and thoroughly save electricity.[General Affairs Department] 
  • We are replacing it with power-saving equipment and installing inverters on existing equipment.[General Affairs Department] 
  • We are actively introducing hybrid vehicles (fuel-efficient vehicles) into company vehicles.[General Affairs Department] 
  • An air tank is installed to reduce the starting operation of the compressor.[Manufacturing department] 
  • We strive to reduce power consumption by regularly inspecting and cleaning factory equipment and using it in the optimum condition.[Manufacturing department] 
  • Pulse blow is used to reduce the air consumption of the cleaning air gun used in the factory.[Manufacturing department] 
  • By reducing the number of parts transported by delivery companies and suppliers, we are working to reduce mutual delivery energy consumption, streamline our receiving work, and reduce the risk of corona infection.[Purchasing department] 
  • We try to have remote interviews and reduce outings and business trips.【Sales department】 
  • We are actively using hybrid vehicles (fuel-efficient vehicles) in rental cars.[Sales / Service Department] 
2. Countermeasures against global warming and promotion of the 3Rs
  • We are developing and manufacturing ejector valves that consume less air in order to reduce the amount of electricity and CO2 generated.[Development / Manufacturing Department]
  • We develop, manufacture and sell machines that sort recycled products (waste plastic, crushed glass, recycled crushed stone, etc.).[Development / Manufacturing / Sales Department]
  • We are striving to develop machines with a small number of boards, parts, and wiring points.For existing machines, we are working on optimizing the wiring length.[Manufacturing department]
  • The factory compressor uses an oil-free scroll compressor.It also contributes to energy saving by adopting a multi-stage motor.[Manufacturing department]
  • We have adopted an inverter-type screw compressor with excellent efficiency as the external compressor for the exhibition machine, and installed a drain treatment machine to prevent soil contamination.[Manufacturing department]
  • When shipping and packing, we reuse packing materials and cardboard as much as possible.[Manufacturing / Purchasing / Service Department]
  • We are actively promoting the delivery of sorting machines to the recycling field.Contributes to the prevention of marine pollution by reducing plastic waste.【Sales department】
  • I use a returnable box when shipping jigs.[Service department]
  • We are working on making it paperless by using electronic media.[Company-wide]
  • We thoroughly separate the waste generated at our offices and dispose of it appropriately.[Company-wide]
3.Providing high-quality products and services, responding to customer needs, and contributing to peace
  • The only food aid agency of the United Nations whose mission is to eradicate hunger and poverty in the world"WFP United Nations World Food Program"Is the official support window in Japan"United Nations WFP Association"I support you as a councilor.[Company-wide]
  • We contribute to the safety and security of our products through sorting technology.If foreign matter is mixed in the product, it will lead to the disposal of resources such as returned goods, collection, and food loss.[Company-wide]
  • We develop, manufacture, and sell machines that detect and remove mycotoxins and foreign substances contained in specific foods.[Development / Manufacturing / Sales Department]
  • By sorting recycled crushed stones, we are reducing waste to landfill sites and contributing to forest conservation.【Development department】
  • LEDs are used in the lighting section of the color sorter to achieve a stable amount of light and power saving. LED lighting is resistant to deterioration over time, has a design life about 10 times longer than fluorescent lamps, and is environmentally friendly because it does not contain the harmful substance mercury.[Manufacturing department]
  • We are proposing to our customers the introduction and replacement of LED-equipped models.[Sales / Service Department]
  • We recommend rebuilt parts to our customers for repairs and maintenance.[Service department]
4. Maintaining and improving the working environment and developing human resources
  • People with special skills and specialized knowledge improve overall productivity by proactively providing their skills to other departments, and by instructing them in other departments, they help improve the overall technical level.[Company-wide]
  • We aim to "multiply" by leveling work, reducing overtime hours, and acquiring new skills through work in other departments.[Company-wide]
  • The Safety and Health Committee meets every month to prevent occupational accidents.[Company-wide]
  • We are promoting the taking of paid leave for employees and the reduction of overtime hours.[General Affairs Department]
  • We actively conduct employee training to support the individual career advancement of all employees.[General Affairs Department]
  • We carry out health examinations and health guidance every year and work on employee health management.[General Affairs Department]
  • We have created an environment where both men and women can continue working while giving birth, raising children, and providing long-term care.[General Affairs Department]
  • We are actively accepting student company tours and internships.[General Affairs Department]